Hello all!
So this one took a while due to friends and family making me go to events because it's summer.....(Hm that actually makes it sound like I'm complaining that I have a social life, first world problem?) Anyway, I decided I want to do T-shirts this time based on several things I like. I employed a random sampling selection method for choosing the subjects for each shirt... I picked names out of a hat. So, here we have a Zelda shirt, Godzilla shirt, and 2 variants of a Witcher shirt. *If anyone is interested in getting one let know and we can have a conversation. I am doing a short run and don't want to do any more until I know there is interest for these.* The first shirt is a little geeky (what am I saying they all are :P) It is Zelda: Link to the Past using html code to link to something....get it (insert pun husky picture here). The second I wanted to do for a while. Using the names of all Godzilla's enemies to form his body. This kinda refers to him being the king of monsters. It was actually quite difficult because I have not done hand-made type in a while. The last is a reference to Geralt in the Witcher series (Yes I have beaten Witcher 3) Anyway, I always thought it was funny that you can heal (by eating food) while fighting. It got me thinking how that might look charging into battle. PS. Next project might not be ready until October due to time, work, and trying to find a printer for these. Comments are closed.